  PRODUCTS IC programming and testing solution

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2016 - 11 - 06
2016 - 11 - 06
2016 - 11 - 06
发布时间: 2016 - 11 - 06
FLASH professional programmer: Support for the latest models of NOR FLASH, NAND FLASH, SERIAL FLASH.Close to the limit of programming speed: Up to 48MHz pulse read, read and write speeds close to the limit of the device. Programming + verify a 1Gb NAND FLASH just 34 seconds, the programming + verify an 8Mb SERIAL FLASH just 4 seconds;Chip ModelN25S80S71PL064JB0K9F1G08U0AK9F2G08U0MProgrammerF-701F-701F-701F-701Programming + check(s)3.4+0.630.3+1.222.2+11.443+32.2Type8Mb SERIAL FLASH64Mb NOR FLASH1Gb NAND FLASH2Gb NAND FLASH110 Road universal driver circuit: 110 Road universal driver, within 110 feet with different types of chip packages only one adapter, reduce the cost, rapid support for new devices; Direct support for various devices 1.2V to 5V; Real-time short-ci...
发布时间: 2016 - 11 - 06
支持最新型号的NOR FLASH、NAND FLASH、SERIAL FLASH。接近极限的编程速度: 最高支持48MHz读写脉冲,读写速度接近器件的极限。编程+校验一片1Gb NAND FLASH仅需34秒,编程+校验一片8Mb SERIAL FLASH仅需4秒; 110路万能驱动电路:  110路万能驱动,110脚内同封装不同型号芯片只需一种适配器,降低使用成本,快速支持新器件; 直接支持1.2V到5V的各种器件; 实时短路和接触检测,图形实时直观提示,有力保障器件的安全和编程质量;界面简洁、统一,操作简单、易上手: 程序界面简洁,器件操作窗口统一,不同的器件配置和选项设置使用统一入口;特别针对量产设计的紧凑 视图,一线工人也可轻松运用自如; 操作简单、易上手,一般器件编程只需设置烧录选项和器件配置即可进行,操作步骤简单,流程清晰,无需大量培训即可轻易上手。    高效率的量产模式: 支持最多一拖八集群量产,一台PC可连接2台F-704,占用极少系统资源;SERIAL FLASH更支持4座模组,即一个主机同时写16个器件,16倍的生产效率; 集群量产支持各主机异步读写,无需同步等待:各编程器主机放入IC即可进行烧录等操作,不用等待其他主机,节省等待时间;使用一个操作界面,可清晰地对每一主机进行操作,无需来回切换界面,进一步提高量产的综合效率; 强大的数据安全保障: 采用可靠的工程加密技术,并创新性地采用一次性工程密码机制确保工程文件在传递和使用过程中的安全,同时可控制产量,有力保障工程数据安全。    高兼容性、耐用的BGA适配器:   配套的...
发布时间: 2016 - 11 - 06
F-800U高速通用型編程器 源自於香港的第壹品牌,超高的性價比和優越的產品性能,成為各類消費類電子品牌廠家及SMT代工廠芯片燒錄最佳選擇方案。 性能特點: 1.支持芯片種類:EEPROM,SPI FLASH,NOR FALSH,NAND FLASH,MCU,CPLD,FPGA,eMMC等 2.支持芯片封裝:SOIC,SOP,TSOP,PLCC,QFP,QFN,SON,BGA等 3.支持芯片包裝:卷帶Tape Reel,管裝Tube,崔盤Tray 4.高速編程,內嵌高速FPGA,帶寬最快可超過1.6Gb/Sec 5.支持三種工作模式,可以聯機操作,脫機操作,甚至遠程控制 6.自動偵測IC並燒錄,無需任何手動按鍵,真正的簡易操作 7.支持1.2V低電壓燒錄,完善的過流過壓及ESD保護 8.支持ISP在線燒錄系統,量產模式,兼容ICT測試站 9.壹次可以最多燒錄八顆IC,高效的工程和量產模式 10.專業快速的定制算法,及時解決產線的特殊需求 11.強大的數據安全保障及加密功能,讓客戶更加放心 12.同壹種封裝不同的IC適用同壹個適配器,為您節省更多成本 13.全球的服務網點覆蓋,提供24小時全天後的星級服務
发布时间: 2016 - 11 - 06
A new generation of professional support eMMC super programmer F-801E, powerful, time saving operation, stable and efficient: EMMC supports a full range of package: 12 * 16mm / 12 * 18mm / 14 * 18mm / 11.5 * 13mm and so on; EMMC supports a full range of pin: 153Pin / 162Pin / 169Pin / 186Pin etc; EMMC specification supports all versions: 4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 / 4.41 / 4.5 / 5.0; Support device supply voltage: 3.3V / 1.8V / 1.2V; Extended CSD support any reader; Support USER, BOOT, RPMB and write GPP region; Support for custom reader USER area size, greatly improving efficiency; Support setting BOOT area, RPMB area and GPP area capacity size; Support open WrRel (reliability write) and SLC OTP mode settings; Displays detailed information can be ana...
发布时间: 2016 - 11 - 06
FLASH professional programmer: Support for the latest NOR FLASH, NAND FLASH, OneNAND, SERIAL FLASH, eMMC, eSD, iNAND, MoviNAND, GB-NAND and SD memory card and other devices, BOOT area eMMC device support, GPP area and register read and write.Close to the limit of programming speed: eMMC devices read and write speeds of up to 20MBytes / sec; Up to 48MHz pulse read, read and write speeds close to the limit of the device. Programming + verify a 1Gb NAND FLASH just 34 seconds, the programming + verify an 8Mb SERIAL FLASH just 4 seconds;110 Road universal driver circuit: Direct support for various devices 1.2V to 5V; Real-time short-circuit and contact detection, real-time graphical visual cues, effectively protecting the safety and quality of programming devices;The in...
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